Chandigarh, October 31: Punjab Public Service Commission today declared the result of Punjab State Civil Services (PCS) Combined Competitive Examination- 2012. The candidates who had appeared in the Viva Voce of Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination – 2012 can access their Final result by visiting the PPSC service website. The category wise merit list of candidates who had qualified and appeared in the Viva Voce have been put on website. The list of candidates who qualified in the Physical test conducted for the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police Men & Women has also been put on website.
It may be recalled that the PPSC had advertised 160 number of posts for different categories in which 30 posts were of PCS Executive Branch, 20 posts of DSPs,
It may be recalled that the PPSC had advertised 160 number of posts for different categories in which 30 posts were of PCS Executive Branch, 20 posts of DSPs,