Friday, 4 October 2013

AICTE to make accreditation must for colleges

MUMBAI: The All-India Council for Technical Education will make it mandatory for all colleges under its ambit to be accredited.

Colleges will also be allowed to conduct 10% of the curriculum via the online mode.

The technical education regulator organized a seminar on the 'Perspective Plan for Approval of New Technical Institutions in the State of Maharashtra' on Thursday.

Most college heads said they were losing sleep over vacant seats and lack of clarity on
which body to approach to alter their intake.

The state government, on its part, was worried about the quality of students graduating.

DTE director S S Mahajan said more colleges had vacancies than before. Last year, 100 engineering colleges had over 35% vacancy; this year there are 264. For diploma institutes, the count went up from 190 to 275. It was up from 51 to 125 for MCA.

The AICTE chairman said that instead of agonizing over unfilled seats, colleges must work to better quality. "I agree that the technical education sector has expanded in capacity. But we are planning for the future. The average success rate of Class XII students is 50%. If that goes up and you have more students knocking at your door , how will you suddenly increase capacity?" he said.

He felt that allowing expansion would only give a wider choice to students and the colleges that do not perform will rightfully perish.

Minister for technical education Rajesh Tope said a lot of colleges were facing faculty shortage and visiting faculty must be given a chance.

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