The Punjab and Haryana high court on Wednesday directed Punjab Technical University’s new board of directors to clear the mess created by the varsity in appointments for various posts by taking an appropriate decision within a period of three months and submit the action taken report by February 5 next. The directions came from the division bench comprising chief justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and justice Augustine George Masih while disposing of a public interest litigation and a petition challenging the illegal appointments to various posts. Taking serious view of PTU’s decisions, the court observed that the varsity, “has created a mess, by first making adhoc appointments, then
continuing those adhoc employees for years on the job. When it found that such adhoc employees may become incapable of getting alternative jobs elsewhere, devised a policy for giving excessive weightage to those adhoc employees for their experience in the PTU so that they may be selected on permanent basis.” The court also ordered that the new board of directors should also sort out the matter for future by devising some system of making appointments in a transparent manner. The petitioners had alleged that the varsity had recruited hundreds of candidates on adhoc basis for various non-teaching posts without advertising posts in news papers. It was alleged that when those appointments were challenged by some unemployed persons in the high court, the board of directors in its meeting on November 23, 2012, made such employees permanent.
continuing those adhoc employees for years on the job. When it found that such adhoc employees may become incapable of getting alternative jobs elsewhere, devised a policy for giving excessive weightage to those adhoc employees for their experience in the PTU so that they may be selected on permanent basis.” The court also ordered that the new board of directors should also sort out the matter for future by devising some system of making appointments in a transparent manner. The petitioners had alleged that the varsity had recruited hundreds of candidates on adhoc basis for various non-teaching posts without advertising posts in news papers. It was alleged that when those appointments were challenged by some unemployed persons in the high court, the board of directors in its meeting on November 23, 2012, made such employees permanent.
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