The Punjab and Haryana high court will on Wednesday pronounce its judgment on a bunch of nearly 80 petitions challenging the selection of 3,206 junior basic trained (JBT) teachers by the Haryana government in 2000 during the-then regime of Om Prakash Chautala as chief minister. In January last year, the special CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) court at Rohni, New Delhi, had convicted Om Prakash Chautala; his son, Ajay Chautala; IAS (Indian Administrative Service) officers Vidya Dhar and Sanjiv Kumar; and 51 other of corruption in the same case and sentenced them. The CBI had found the selection process tainted. However, the selected teachers are still in service. The petitioners, deprived of selection, had sought removal of 1,577 allegedly tainted JBT teachers, besides own appointment in place. The petitioners had submitted that the marks of 1,577 teachers were increased to illegally accommodate them. On January 23 last year, the high court had ordered to issue notices to all 3