Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO), the power generation and distribution arm of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, has announced a salary hike for their employees and workers. In a statement, which was issued today, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister said that the wage agreement between the employees, workers and TANGEDCO had come to an end on
November 30, 2011, following which a Committee was formed on December 16, 2011. The Committee held several rounds of discussion with 15 Unions, representing the workers and employees of TANGEDCO. Based on the recommendations of the committee the Chief Minister announced the following decisions. It was decided to increase the scale of pay and grade pay by 7%, which translates to an increase of minimum of Rs 700 and maximum of Rs 13,160 in salary, depending upon the grade or seniority. For people who worked for 10 years or more than 10 years, one year salary, which translates to 3% increase in salary, was also announced. The salary increase will come into effect from December 1, 2011 and balance arrears between December 2011 and December 31, 2013 (for 25 months) will be given in two installments. The first installment will be in January 2014, while the second will be in April 2014, said the statement. All these would cost around Rs 750 crore, including Rs 252 crore increase in salary bill every year and Rs 525 crore as balance arrears. The Chief Minister also announced stagnation increment and said that the existing allowances and special pay will continue without any changes. The existing 3% annual increment will also be continued. This announcement on the New Year will benefit 70,820 workers and 10,160 officers. In total, 80,980 will be benefited through this wage hike, said the Chief Minister.
November 30, 2011, following which a Committee was formed on December 16, 2011. The Committee held several rounds of discussion with 15 Unions, representing the workers and employees of TANGEDCO. Based on the recommendations of the committee the Chief Minister announced the following decisions. It was decided to increase the scale of pay and grade pay by 7%, which translates to an increase of minimum of Rs 700 and maximum of Rs 13,160 in salary, depending upon the grade or seniority. For people who worked for 10 years or more than 10 years, one year salary, which translates to 3% increase in salary, was also announced. The salary increase will come into effect from December 1, 2011 and balance arrears between December 2011 and December 31, 2013 (for 25 months) will be given in two installments. The first installment will be in January 2014, while the second will be in April 2014, said the statement. All these would cost around Rs 750 crore, including Rs 252 crore increase in salary bill every year and Rs 525 crore as balance arrears. The Chief Minister also announced stagnation increment and said that the existing allowances and special pay will continue without any changes. The existing 3% annual increment will also be continued. This announcement on the New Year will benefit 70,820 workers and 10,160 officers. In total, 80,980 will be benefited through this wage hike, said the Chief Minister.
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