Thursday, 2 January 2014

Maximum tenure for college principals now 10 yrs This will help fill vacancies in several colleges in the state

Chandigarh, January 1
The Punjab Government has in a communication to all universities in the state said that a principal of government college or aided college could have a maximum tenure of 10 years in office. As of now, the maximum tenure is five years. A number of colleges in the state are without principals.

The matter would get ratification only after it is taken up by university bodies such as the Senate or the Syndicate.

The presence of a government representative has been made mandatory during interview for the posts of college principal. Only those college teachers with a record of having taken at least 80 per cent of classes during their academic career can apply for the post.
The government has imposed the condition of good scores in Academic Performance Indicator (API) for those wanting promotions. They are required to score at least 400 in different modes of evaluation of their work at various stages of their academic career. The condition comes following a communication from the University Grants Commission (UGC) in this regard.
Principals, too, are required to score at least 400 marks in their academic audit for next promotion or financial benefit. The UGC has decided on weightage on account of having written books and published research papers. College teachers have already started opposing the API condition. The Punjab and Chandigarh College Teacher Union (PCCTU), in a representation to Education Minister Sikander Maluka, have sought that they be given at least two years before the condition is made mandatory.
Evaluating method

  • The government has imposed the condition of good scores in Academic Performance Indicator for those wanting promotions
  • They are required to score at least 400 in the evaluation of their work throughout their career
  • The condition comes following a communication from the UGC in this regard

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