Chandigarh Upbeat over its performance in implementing the country’s flagship mid-day meal scheme and taking a cue from the Union government’s advice, the Punjab government has released an amount of Rs 275.81 crore under the mid-day meal scheme, catering to approximately 19 lakh students of primary and upper-primary levels in the government schools across
the state. Disclosing this, here on Sunday, Education and Languages Minister Sikandar Singh Maluka said that it was done after Punjab stood first in North India and bagged second position in the country in the implementation of the mid-day meal scheme. While patting Punjab for its feat, the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) had advised the state government to maintain and further improve its performance to remain the leader in the country. To ensure special care to the food being cooked hygienically and ensuring its nutrient value, the Minister said that the state government has engaged 40,243 cook-cum-helpers in the state to prepare and serve hygienic and delicious meal to the students daily. A sum of Rs 8.6 crore has also been provided for providing utensils at all the schools in the state. The Minister stated that the Deputy Commissioners of all the districts have been appointed as chairmen of the scheme to ensure its proper implementation and check quality, and quantity of the mid-day meal in the schools under their respective jurisdictions. The District Administration would hold meetings of the District Steering Monitoring Committee from time to time to review the position of foodgrains received, utilised and balance lying in stock to check pilferage, if any, revealed Maluka, while divulging that the mid-day meal scheme was being implemented by the non-government organisations (NGOs) at urban and rural schools in the districts of Sangrur, Nawanshahr, Mohali, Bathinda and Moga. Besides providing the mid-day meal, the state government undertakes health check-up of primary school students twice a year and for upper-primary students, once a year in the state, informed the Minister. A primary school student was given a meal containing 450K calorie and 12 gm protein while each upper-primary student gets a meal containing 700K calorie and 20 gm protein everyday during the school time. MAXIMUM CHECKS One of the factors that helped Punjab turn the best state was the maximum checks made on the implementation of MDMS. Of its total 22,036 schools, the state government inspected 20,379 institutions, which comprised 92 per cent and was highest figure of inspections made by any state in the country during a quarter. TOP TEN Karnataka, Punjab, Daman and Diu, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir and Chhattisgarh were adjudged the top ten states in the country.
the state. Disclosing this, here on Sunday, Education and Languages Minister Sikandar Singh Maluka said that it was done after Punjab stood first in North India and bagged second position in the country in the implementation of the mid-day meal scheme. While patting Punjab for its feat, the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) had advised the state government to maintain and further improve its performance to remain the leader in the country. To ensure special care to the food being cooked hygienically and ensuring its nutrient value, the Minister said that the state government has engaged 40,243 cook-cum-helpers in the state to prepare and serve hygienic and delicious meal to the students daily. A sum of Rs 8.6 crore has also been provided for providing utensils at all the schools in the state. The Minister stated that the Deputy Commissioners of all the districts have been appointed as chairmen of the scheme to ensure its proper implementation and check quality, and quantity of the mid-day meal in the schools under their respective jurisdictions. The District Administration would hold meetings of the District Steering Monitoring Committee from time to time to review the position of foodgrains received, utilised and balance lying in stock to check pilferage, if any, revealed Maluka, while divulging that the mid-day meal scheme was being implemented by the non-government organisations (NGOs) at urban and rural schools in the districts of Sangrur, Nawanshahr, Mohali, Bathinda and Moga. Besides providing the mid-day meal, the state government undertakes health check-up of primary school students twice a year and for upper-primary students, once a year in the state, informed the Minister. A primary school student was given a meal containing 450K calorie and 12 gm protein while each upper-primary student gets a meal containing 700K calorie and 20 gm protein everyday during the school time. MAXIMUM CHECKS One of the factors that helped Punjab turn the best state was the maximum checks made on the implementation of MDMS. Of its total 22,036 schools, the state government inspected 20,379 institutions, which comprised 92 per cent and was highest figure of inspections made by any state in the country during a quarter. TOP TEN Karnataka, Punjab, Daman and Diu, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir and Chhattisgarh were adjudged the top ten states in the country.
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